Miscellaneous Records

We have computerised all the following records with a after the dates covered.

  Census Substitutes
Year Source
1611 Muster Rolls
1615-1752 Rent Rolls
1666 Hearth Money Rolls
1696 Lurgan Quaker Subscribers
1714 Armagh Manor Court Rolls
1737 Drumcree Rents
1740 Protestant Householders
1752 County Armagh Rent Rolls
1763 Signatories for 1st Markethill Presbyterian Church
1766 Religious Census
1766 Census of Heads of Households for Creggan parish
1785-1787 Derrynoose Tithe Accounts
1796 County Armagh Flax Growers List
1817-1827 Middletown Church of Ireland Poor Lists
1820 Forkhill Cess Lists
1823-1837 County Armagh Tithe Applotments
1824 Eglish Church of Ireland Church Subscribers
1824-1945 Church of Ireland Confirmations
1826 Census of Newtownhamilton 2nd Presbyterian Church Congregation
1839 Armagh (City/parish) Property Valuations
1840-1855 Emigrants from Derrynoose Parish
1845 Armagh City Rates and Assessments
1849-1924 Vinecash Presbyterian Notes (Various sources)
1855-1876 Land Court Records
1864 County Armagh Griffith’s Valuation



Marriage Licence Bonds.  County Armagh 1727-1845
County Armagh 1727-1845√
We have only completed the marriages with surnames beginning with letters A-L at present and will continue to complete the remaining records soon.  Where a person with a surname beginning with a letter M-Z married someone with a surname beginning with a letter A-L the record will appear on this database – for example John Burns & Mary Smith 1788. During the 17th and 18th centuries, when it was illegal for “dissenting” Clergy to perform marriages, some Roman Catholic and Presbyterians chose to be married in the Church of Ireland (Anglican Church). Before the licence was granted the couple had to enter a bond at a Diocesan Court. The bonds included the names of the bride, groom, their ages and place of residence. Unfortunately, most of the bonds and licences were destroyed in the Public Record Office, Dublin, in 1922, but indexes for many of them have survived. These indexes only contain the name of the bridegroom and bride and the year of the bond.