Frequently asked questions about our family history research service

1. How do I begin my family history search?
The best place to start is by completing our Initial Assessment and Index Search application form with as much information as you already have, and what questions you would like us to answer.
2. How far back do your Church records go?
This depends on the parish and the religious denomination. As a rule of thumb, Church of Ireland records tend to start earlier than Roman Catholic, Methodist and Presbyterian records.

The earliest Church of Ireland parishes have records from 1607 however, in general, there is limited scope for research prior to 1800. In the case of Roman Catholic records, the earliest records commence in 1796. You can view the full list of parish record commencement dates (HERE)

3. What areas do you cover?
We cover all Church and Civil records for all county Armagh.
4. What will research cost me?
This depends on how much research we can conduct on your behalf. Our Initial Assessment and Index Search will allow us to give you an exact fee scale for research which we have on our database and also provide initial costs for any proposed manual research which we may have to conduct in one of the Irish Repositories.
5. What is the minimum information you would need in order to be able to assist me with my ancestor search?
You will need the name of an ancestor, their approximate year of birth, and in the case of an ancestor who died outside of Ireland, the name of at least one of their parents, preferably their mother’s maiden name. We can assist you in finding this information also.
6. I have memberships to various genealogical sites but have hit a brick wall. Have you any additional information not available online?
Yes, we have a number of records sets which are not online, and we have access to many primary sources held in local and national repositories.
7. Can I get copies of Birth/Marriage/Death Certs?

Actual certified copies of birth, marriage and death certificates are NOT available from our centre, because we are not legally licenced to dispense them. These must be obtained from either the local Church, local registrar’s office, or online from a government website. However, if you are looking for the information contained on a given record, or if you require a copy of a record, we can supply these.

8. Can I access your records myself if I call to the centre?
Our centre operates on a researcher/client basis. We are not facilitated to allow clients to search our records in the centre. We are also bound in this matter by the agreements with those bodies who supply us with the records in the first instance.
9. Can you assist me if I live outside Ireland?
Absolutely. In fact, we have produced all levels of research, from small single searches to comprehensive family histories for clients whom we have never met in person, and who have never visited Ireland. All our research services are available to you regardless of whether you can travel or not.
10. Can you provide me with a map showing the location of my ancestor’s grave or homestead?
Homesteads: In the many of cases, we can locate a townland of origin for your ancestors. In some cases, the sources may be of sufficient detail to allow us to be even more specific and pinpoint the exact house/farm. However, many old buildings of the era no longer stand, and it is more the location than the building that may be identified.
Graves: The majority of legible inscribed headstones in Co. Armagh prior to 1990 have been transcribed. We are currently computerizing these (SEE FULL LIST). Cemetery location and headstone location maps can be provided.
11. I had research done 5/10/20 years ago. Would there be additional information available now?
There very often is. It’s always worth contacting us and asking.
12. Can you locate living relatives for me?
Once we have completed a full research for a family, and in the compiling of the report we uncover possible living relatives we can, with their consent provide you with contact details or provide your details to them. In all instances we will respect the privacy of an individual and adhere to their expressed wished.
13. Do you have historical maps?
We have access to a range of Ordnance Survey historical maps, as well as those connected with Griffith’s Valuation of Tenements (1864).
14. What if I have carried out a large amount of research myself, can you confirm this is correct?
Yes, we can cross check and verify projects like this. This work is generally time consuming and we can provide a cost for this.
15. How long will it take for you to carry out the research?
Specific individual searches are normally returned to the client in a matter of days. Those of longer duration are returned within four to five weeks depending on the amount of research we are already undertaking at the time.
16. Can you recommend any books on the local history of the area I am researching
Yes, our experience in research has allowed us to be a very helpful guide in this area. The bookshop in The Navan Centre also sells a variety of books on the history of the local area.
17. What methods of payment do you have?
We accept cash, credit and debit cards, cheques and those paying online can use our PayPal facility without needing a PayPal account.
18. Can I speak to a researcher on the telephone?
Yes, you can speak with a researcher on the telephone/Zoom. This is detailed in our Consultation Service.
19. Do I have to book a consultation or can I call in without an appointment?
Our office is only open for limited consultations. We encourage all visitors to make a prior appointment with us to ensure they get to meet a genealogist.
20. How long is the consultation and how many searches can I have carried out by the researcher in this time?
Our in-person consultations last for 45 minutes. Usually, you will be able to have a few specific questions or problems answered in that time, and we will also be able to inform you of any records on our database and time permitting the cost of obtaining the full data.
21. Do you have just Catholic records? What other denominations do you have?
No, we also have Church records from the Church of Ireland (Anglican), Presbyterian, Quaker, Baptist and Methodist records and a vast number of civil records of births, marriages and deaths and these pertain to all denominations.
22. What sort of records do you hold?
We hold records of births, baptisms, marriages, confirmations, deaths, burials, graves, census, court and land taxation records, local history books, (see SOURCES)
23. When did the Civil registration of records begin?
The civil registration of births, marriages and deaths for everyone in Ireland began in 1864 (1845 for non-Catholic marriages).
24. What are the latest dates for records held at the centre?
Generally, our records for all events except burials cease 1921.
25. Can I have access to Parish records?
Not here at the centre. You will need to make direct contact with the relevant parish for that.