Census Records

We have computerised all the following records with a after the dates covered.

Census Records
Year Description
1770 Armagh City Census
1821 Census Remnants for:

Forkhill Parish (Most townlands)
Kilmore. Townlands of Balleney, Corcrevey, Crucat, Derryhale, Drumnahuncheon, Liskeborough, Manooth and Shewish
Mullaghbrack. Townland of Ballyleans.
Drumcree. Townlands of Baltylum, Clownagh, Drumnasoo, Garvaghy, Kilmoriarty, Maghon, Mullantine and Tavanagh
Miscellaneous. This 1821 Census transcript for some townlands in various county Armagh parishes come from the PRONI source T636. It is a hand transcribed record which would most likely have been taken from the original Census return and transcribed pre-1922, when the original records were destroyed in the fire.

The information contained in each Census varies and it is possible that the record of every family in a given townland has not survived.

1901 Census of all County Armagh
1911 Census of all County Armagh