discover your past

Armagh Ancestry is the foremost genealogical research service for County Armagh and is the designated Irish Family History Foundation member for County Armagh.

Our Genealogy Manager (Feargal O’Donnell) has over 30 years’ experience in Irish Genealogy and has delivered keynote Irish Genealogical talks at the UK ‘Who do you think you are’ Conferences in London and at many Genealogy Conferences throughout the USA.

We offer a full genealogical research service for all County Armagh sources, including those held in various repositories throughout Ireland. Our researchers have an immense wealth of genealogical and local historical research experience and a huge wealth of life learning knowledge. A unique attribute of the genealogists at our genealogy centre is their local knowledge.

Armagh Ancestry has a database of almost 1 million records including all the Roman Catholic Church records (earliest parish records commence in 1796) for County Armagh, many Church of Ireland (Anglican), Presbyterian, Methodist, Quaker and Baptist Church records and we are currently computerising the remaining Church records. We have also computerised all civil marriage records from 1845-1921 and 80% of civil birth records from 1864-1921. We also have computerised many other Sources from the 1600’s – 1900’s.

Getting Started

Armagh Ancestry offers a full genealogical research service for county Armagh and surrounding counties. The availability of relevant Church and Civil records for the area of origin of your ancestors will determine what, if any, research we can conduct on your behalf.